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For Educators
Specific info for early childhood educators. See the General section for everything else.
Educators: Help with the basicsFor those new to Storypark, learn what you can achieve through its most common features.
An Educator's Guide to Implementing StoryparkBuild your Storypark capability in three easy stages
Educators: Making the most out of technologyUnconfident with technology? Here’s how to get the most out of your devices.
Educators: Strengthening family engagementLearn how to build community and collaboration, working towards stronger partnerships with parents.
Taking great photos, videos and notesLearn what to look for and how best to capture it through observations, photography and video.
Educators: Creating rich assessmentNew to teaching or just want to build capability? Get tips from the community on documentation and assessment.
Getting Started with Storypark Chapter 2Build your Storypark capability in three easy stages
Educators: Getting started resourcesResources and guides to help you get started on Storypark
Educators: Getting started - video resourcesPrefer watching a video to help you get started on Storypark?
Educators: Downloadable poster, logos, info sheet and 'We use Storypark' badges
Educators: Join an online workshopWe run workshops to help you get set up, and get more out of Storypark.
Educators: Sign up and log inInformation about signing up yourself, accepting an invitation and logging in
Educators: Find your way around Storypark
Educators: Welcoming your teaching team to Storypark
Educators: Invite educatorsInvite your teaching team to Storypark
Educators: Make an educator an administrator
Educators: Story approvalA guide to setting and managing story approval
Educators: Remove an EducatorRemove an educator from a service
Educators: Sorting educatorsView educators by name, latest story or pending invites
Educators: Add a child
Educators: Edit or archive a child's profileEdit a child's details or archive/remove a child from your Storypark community
Educators: Your guide to a child’s profile and stories
Educators: Child profile share settingsManaging what can people see when a child attends multiple services
Educators: Export stories and notes of archived children
Educators: Sort children
Educators: Add multiple children - Xplor
Educators: Add multiple children - other CCMS users/users with no CCMS
Educators: Add multiple children - QikKids
Educators: Add multiple children - Infocare users
Educators: When a parent deletes their child from Storypark
Wellbeing Records in Storypark Chapter 2
Enrolments in Storypark Chapter 2
Making Children's Profiles Inactive When They Leave in Storypark Chapter 2
Adding and Managing Children in Storypark Chapter 2
Educators: Tips for welcoming parents to Storypark
Educators: Invite new parents/guardians
Educators: Inviting family and specialists
Educators: When a parent accepts an invitation
Educators: Inviting multiple or separated parents for a child
Educators: If a parent hasn’t accepted your invitation
Educators: If a parent hasn’t accepted the consent form/unconsented children
Educators: Change a parent’s email address
Educators: View a child’s familySee who is connected to a child, their email and Admin status
Adding and Managing Family and Contacts
in Storypark Chapter 2
Download the Storypark for Educators app on Android or iOS
Using Storypark for Educators on an iPhone or iPad
Using the Storypark for Educators app on AndroidA guide to the Storypark for Educators app on Android devices
Story collaboration in the Storypark for Educators appsLearn about how to collaborate on draft stories via the Storypark for Educators apps
Routines in the Storypark for Educators appsAll about routines on the Storypark for Educators apps
Using 'child mode' in the Educators iOS app
Use voice dictation for stories and posts on iOS devices
Storypark AI
Learn how to use Storypark's AI-powered tools and about the technology behind them
Educators: Storypark AI
Storypark Artificial Intelligence (AI) Fact Sheet
Artificial intelligence (AI) glossary
Educators: An introduction to the planning areaA better way to plan with your team
Educators: Create a planStart a plan from scratch or from a template
Educators: Sharing plans, who can access a plan and its linksPlans can be private to you, shared with all or individual educators as well as parents of children in the plan
Educators: Planning categoriesFor a better way to filter and search your plans
Educators: Add children to a planEasily see what plans each child is in, or choose to share with parents of children added to a plan
Educators: Add text, colours, images, videos and documents to a planLearn how to add content and build your plans
Educators: Adding learning tags to a planAlign your planning with your curriculum or goals
Educators: Linking plans, stories and child notes togetherUse links to show progression or threads of learning, and get a better overview
Educators: Cells, rows and columns – Adding, moving, copying, deletingControl individual cells or entire rows and columns at a time
Educators: Edit, archive or delete a planManaging current and closed plans
Educators: Order and filter plansFind plans of the same type using categories
Educators: Room planningFind out more about how to navigate the room planning area and how it differs from the service's planning area.
Educators: Move a plan to another roomPlans can be moved between your main planning area and any room
Educators: Print or download a planPrint plans for the wall, or share with parents and go paperless
Educators: Two people working on the same planCollaborate on a plan together
Educators: Working with planning templatesSave time by starting a plan from a template. Create your own templates to suit your needs
Educators: Planning templates in my region - All countriesLearn more about the planning templates library and what's included
Educators: Planning templates in my region - AustraliaLearn how to access planning templates specific to your region and what's included
Educators: Planning templates in my region - CanadaLearn more about planning templates specific to your region and what's included
Educators: Planning templates in my region - New ZealandLearn how to access planning templates specific to your region and what's included
Educator Portfolios (basic) FAQsThe most commonly asked questions about Storypark's basic Educator Portfolio including portfolio stories
Educators: What is an educator portfolio?This article covers features of the basic version of Educator Portfolios on Storypark
Create an Educator Portfolio storyHow to create and add a story to your Educator Portfolio
Educator portfolio reportsThis is about Storypark's basic Educator Portfolio features.
Change your Educator Portfolio privacy settingsThis is about Storypark's original Educator Portfolio features.