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For Educators

Specific info for early childhood educators. See the General section for everything else.

Storypark AI

Learn how to use Storypark's AI-powered tools and about the technology behind them

Educators: Storypark AI
Storypark Artificial Intelligence (AI) Fact Sheet
Artificial intelligence (AI) glossary

Educators: An introduction to the planning areaA better way to plan with your team
Educators: Create a planStart a plan from scratch or from a template
Educators: Sharing plans, who can access a plan and its linksPlans can be private to you, shared with all or individual educators as well as parents of children in the plan
Educators: Planning categoriesFor a better way to filter and search your plans
Educators: Add children to a planEasily see what plans each child is in, or choose to share with parents of children added to a plan
Educators: Add text, colours, images, videos and documents to a planLearn how to add content and build your plans
Educators: Adding learning tags to a planAlign your planning with your curriculum or goals
Educators: Linking plans, stories and child notes togetherUse links to show progression or threads of learning, and get a better overview
Educators: Cells, rows and columns – Adding, moving, copying, deletingControl individual cells or entire rows and columns at a time
Educators: Edit, archive or delete a planManaging current and closed plans
Educators: Order and filter plansFind plans of the same type using categories
Educators: Room planningFind out more about how to navigate the room planning area and how it differs from the service's planning area.
Educators: Move a plan to another roomPlans can be moved between your main planning area and any room
Educators: Print or download a planPrint plans for the wall, or share with parents and go paperless
Educators: Two people working on the same planCollaborate on a plan together
Educators: Working with planning templatesSave time by starting a plan from a template. Create your own templates to suit your needs
Educators: Planning templates in my region - All countriesLearn more about the planning templates library and what's included
Educators: Planning templates in my region - AustraliaLearn how to access planning templates specific to your region and what's included
Educators: Planning templates in my region - CanadaLearn more about planning templates specific to your region and what's included
Educators: Planning templates in my region - New ZealandLearn how to access planning templates specific to your region and what's included