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Incident reporting in the iOS Storypark for Educators app
Incident reporting in the iOS Storypark for Educators app
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Written by Support
Updated over 5 months ago

Frequently asked questions

This article is about incident reporting use in the iOS Storypark for Educators app, a guide is also available regarding use on the Storypark website.

Incident reporting in Storypark

Incident reports can be logged for a single child by any educator via the Storypark for Educators app on an iOS device.

If the educator logging the incident report is a non-Admin on Storypark, the report is automatically submitted for approval by Admins at their service before being sent to the child's family Admins.

Note: We strongly recommend each service on Storypark has at least two Admins on their account. This means incident reports do not get delayed if an Admin is sick or away.

Admins do not need further approval and can send incident reports directly to a child's family Admins.

Logging an incident report

Start a new incident report from the Storypark for Educators app by tapping the blue plus button at the centre of the bottom menu and select the warning triangle icon:

Select a child from the list and then tap Done at the top right-hand corner:

Time, day and observers
The time, day are automatically set to the present as well as the observer set to the educator that is currently logged into the app. Each of these fields can be edited however. Tap the time and scroll to make changes:

Tap the date and use the arrows to change the month:

Tap the educator's name to bring up more observation options:

​Select one or multiple educators. If at a service with a lot of educators, use the search bar at the top to narrow down the selection.

If the incident was not observed select Not observed at the top of the list:

Location, details and circumstances of the incident

Adding the location, details and circumstances of the incident are all free text fields. Tap into each text box to start typing:

Note: Fields here are not mandatory, so they can be skipped if not needed. If a section of the incident report has been left empty, the headings will not be shown in the final report.

Nature of the illness/injury

​Tap + Add to insert details about the illness/injury. These are separated into the top five most commonly used entries, followed by an alphabetised list of all possible descriptors:

Select one or multiple and tap Done in the top right-hand corner when finished.

​If you cannot find an accurate descriptor, select Other (please specify) at the bottom of the list - this will allow you to type in the nature of the illness/injury:

Action taken

In this free text field you can include any actions taken to address the illness/injury, such as the application of first aid or medication given.

Below this are three optional fields involved emergency services, involved doctors/hospitals and further services. Tap the toggle next to any one of these to add a field where you can fill out further information, for example:


Before sending the incident report, you may wish to detail any prior attempts to contact the child's family. Fill in the notifications free text field at the bottom of the report before sending:

​If this field is left blank, the completed incident report will only display the time and date the incident report notification was sent to family admins.

Publishing and approving an incident report

If the educator logging an incident report is a non-Admin on Storypark, they will first need to submit it for approval before it can be seen by the child's family.

Tap Submit to send the completed incident report to all Admins at the service. Admins will receive a notification informing them there is a pending incident report awaiting their review. This will be available in the pending folder under the Me tab on the Storypark for Educators app. From here you can see all pending items, or switch to just incident reports:

​Approvers can make edits to the incident report before tapping Approve to publish the incident report. If the report doesn't need approval (i.e. it was created by an Admin) tapping done will also publish the incident report. This will trigger email and in-app notifications sent to all of the child's family Admins. Note: These notifications cannot be opted out of.

Editing or deleting an incident report

Incident reports can only be edited before approval and publication. While pending approval, the author and the admin can go back and edit the incident until the report is approved.

Delete a published incident report
Find the published incident report within the Storypark for Educators app. This can be done by going to the child's profile or by going from the service's routines page and selecting the day the incident report was recorded.

Tap the i icon next to the incident to open up the incident report:

Within the incident report select the three blue dots at the top right-hand side and select Delete:

Note: Incident reports cannot be recovered once deleted.

Viewing a published incident report

Incident reports can be viewed by educators at the service where they created and the child's family Admins.

Once at least one of the child's family Admins has viewed the incident report, it will display also a read receipt:

This allows educators to confirm that family have received and opened the incident report - as the read receipt is only generated if at least one family Admin opens the incident report.

Note: The read receipt will only detail by name the first family Admin to open the incident report.

From the Storypark for Educators app

This can be done by going to the child's profile or by going from the service's routines page and selecting the day the incident report was recorded.

Tap the i icon next to the incident to open up the incident report:

What families see

If selected, publishing an incident report will trigger email notifications to be sent to all of the child's family Admins:

From the notification, family Admins will be taken to view the incident report on the Storypark website.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Multiple children were involved in an incident, can you add multiple children to one incident report?
A. At this time seperate incident reports must be created for each child.

Q. Who can delete an incident report?
A. Admin educators can delete a pending or approved incident report.

Q. Can approval be turned off or approvers changed?
A. At this time all incident reports must either be created by Admin educators or approved by them. For this reason, we strongly recommend each service on Storypark has at least two Admins on their account. This means incident reports can be approved in a timely manner (rather than pending if a sole Admin is sick or away).

Q. How does this feature meet parent/guardian signing requirements in my region?
A. Incident reporting has been designed to suit services in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. There, regulations do not require a physical (sometimes known as 'wet') signature, only proof that the incident report was given to a parent/guardian. This can be confirmed via the 'read receipt' that is displayed on incident reports in Storypark once at least one family Admin has opened and viewed the incident report.

This approach was chosen to minimise burden on educators to follow up with parents/guardians for signatures. Read receipts meet the requirements of the NZ Ministry of Education as well as ECRA and ACECQA in Australia.

📝 Other articles you may be interested in:
Educators: Incident reporting from the website
Educators: Incident reporting records

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