In this guide learn about:
1. Viewing routines
2. Regular days
Viewing routines
You'll find routines in the Children tab, which can be viewed by service, room or individual child:
Children are in alphabetical order, with each child's most recent record visible.
Tapping on a child's row will pop up all their recorded routines for the selected day:
Regular Days
Currently, services can set each child's regular days from the Storypark website only.
On the app, any regular days your service has already set up via the website will be applied.
When recording a new routine, children who are usually present will appear under the heading Present:
Children who aren't usually present will appear beneath them, under the heading Others but can still be selected if needed.
Recording and sharing daily routines
Add new routines from the create button at the centre of the screen. Tap on the icon of routine type you'd like to record (in order, they are: food and drink/toilet/sleep/sunscreen/other):
Then select a single child, multiple children, or all children. You can also de-select any children by clicking on them again. You can filter this list of children by the centre or room, and search for a child's name within the selected group.
The date and time are the present by default - but by tapping on them, they can be edited to reflect any routines that took place earlier or later.
There are preset options for each type of record, and one option can be selected from each set, eg. when adding a Food record, select either Food or Drink, one type of meal or snack, and one amount. There is also space to add any specific details or observations:
As soon as you click Add the routine will published to each child's profile and shared with the child's parents or guardians (they'll need to be a Family Admin for the child to see routines).
You can also record new routines from the routines tab on your service or a room's page by tapping the blue plus button at the top right-hand side:
As well as directly from a child's profile by going to the routines tab and tapping the
same blue plus button.
Editing and deleting routines
Any published record can be edited by tapping the pencil/edit icon next to the routine:
To edit, make any changes to the details, then click Save at the top right-hand side.
To delete, tap the pencil/edit icon next to the routine and then Delete record at the bottom left of the screen:
What families see
Family admins will see new routines for just their child/ren as soon as they're entered, but won't receive notifications. They can view these on the Storypark for Families app or the Storypark website.
Note: The sleep check routine can only be viewed by educators. Families will not receive an update in the routines tab for sleep checks, however, they can view when the start and end of sleep routines are recorded.
If you are recording routines for the first time for a child, their parents may need to log out of the app and then log in again to see the routines tab pop up.
It's recommended to set expectations with families about whether the information will be updated as soon as it happens, or by the end of the day.