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What can different people see on Storypark?
What can different people see on Storypark?

Understand the different membership types and what people can see/access

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Written by Support
Updated over 2 years ago

There are four key membership types on Storypark that determine what someone can view:
Admin educators
Admin family
Family members / those with story access

This article will reference these membership types throughout.

In this guide learn about who can view and contribute to:

Who can view and contribute to child notes?

  • Only family admins for the child selected in the note.

  • Any educators who have access to a child's profile because the child attends a service where they are currently a teacher.

Who can view and contribute to conversations?

  • Similar to a direct message on other platforms, only the person who started the conversation and the person/people they have added to the conversation as participants.

  • Participants can include educators and family admins (usually parents/guardians).

    Note: There are settings available to admin educators to disable parent to educator conversations. If disabled, parents cannot start a conversation with educators.

Who can view and contribute to community posts (including announcements)?


Anyone who is in the community where the post was made (either a service or room within a service) can view the post.

This is typically:

  • All educators at the service where the community post was created.

  • Only admin family for each child at that early learning service. Similarly, for a room's community space, only admin family of children in the room.

Note: There are settings available to Admin educators to disable community comments and posting abilities for parents.

Educators also have the ability to confirm who has seen a community post by tapping the eye icon at the bottom of any post:

This is helpful when considering who needs follow-up on urgent messages.


Who can view and contribute to moments?

The family member who publishes the moment can choose whether to share with just their family or with the child's educators as well.

If sharing with just family:

  • Family members for the child selected in the moment.

If sharing with educators as well:

  • Any educators who have access to a child's profile because the child attends a service where they are currently a teacher.

Note: If a child's profile is across multiple services and the moment is shared with
educators, educators at each service will be able to see the moment.

Who can see and contribute to plans?

  • Plans are private to the author until they share them.

  • A plan can be viewed and edited by any educator it is shared with.

  • A plan can be viewed and commented on by any admin family it is shared with. They cannot edit or delete an educator's work however.

Who can view and contribute to routines?

  • All educators at the service the routine was created.

  • Admin family members of the child in the routine have view-only access.

Who can view a service's reports?

  • Only educators at the service to which the reports relate.

  • Admin educators can see additional reports about their staff's use of Storypark.

Who can view and contribute to an educator portfolio story?

Who can view and contribute to individual stories on a child's profile?

  • The child's admin family - educators can confirm who they are from the child's Family tab.

  • Any other family members or specialists who have been invited to a child’s profile by the admin family.

  • Any educators who have access to a child's profile because the child attends a service where they are currently a teacher.

Who can view and contribute to a group story (a story that includes multiple children)?

  • The admin family for each child added to the story can see the content of the group story and comment. They can see the first names and profile images of other children listed as in the story, however they are not clickable.

  • The family members or specialists invited by each family admin for every child included in the group story can see and comment. They can see the first names and profile images of other children listed as in the story, however they are not clickable.

  • The educators at a service that the children in the group story attends. They can see the content of the story and all the children’s names and profile images in the story; the children’s names are links to the child’s profiles. They can also comment and access those children’s profiles.

What happens if a child attends more than one early learning service?

Sometimes a child attends more than one early learning service using Storypark. This means they are part of a larger learning community and it’s important this community can communicate and understand each other’s experiences and insights with the child. This helps the community best support the child’s interests and strengths as they develop over time.

Depending on their parent/guardian's wishes, a child may have a separate profile at each service or one profile across multiple services on Storypark.

If they have one profile, there are settings that admin educators at each service can manage to choose whether a child's individual stories are shared with other services they attend (that also use Storypark).

If the settings are on:

  • All educators invited to a child’s profile (i.e. at each service) can see and comment on the individual stories that relate to the child, including those created by educators at the other service(s).

  • Educators can only edit stories they have created themselves. Stories created at other services cannot be edited.

  • Admin educators can edit other educators' stories at their service.

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