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Educators: Edit or archive a child's profile
Educators: Edit or archive a child's profile

Edit a child's details or archive/remove a child from your Storypark community

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Written by Support
Updated over 4 months ago

If your service has access to Storypark: Chapter 2, this article may not be relevant to you, and you should visit this article (for editing) or this article (for archiving) instead.

❓Unsure if this applies to you, or want access? Tap here to find out more, or contact us on

4. Archiving a child from your Storypark community
5. Restoring an archived child's profile

Note: This information does not apply to services using a CCMS integration. If your service's Storypark is integrated with a CCMS provider, child profiles must be edited and archived there.

Edit a child’s details

If you are an Admin (this article explains how to make an educator an Admin), you can edit a child’s details from their profile page.

  1. Tap on the menu at the top left of the web page.

  2. Click the Children link under your service's name.

  3. From there, find the child who you’d like to edit or archive.

  4. Click the little arrow on the top right of that child's panel and select Edit from the drop-down menu:

Tap on the relevant field to edit the child's name, birthday, gender and profile image. Any changes you make will be applied instantly after you tap on the save button:

Note: If you need a child's profile image returned to their initials (rather than a photo) just contact our customer support team.

Group stories setting

Group stories are stories that include two or more children's profiles.

Educators have the option to choose whether or not the child can appear in group stories or not at any time.

By default all children can appear in group stories, but if you talk to the child's parents/guardians and they have privacy concerns around other families seeing their child you can turn this option off.

If turned off, all educators at your service are prevented from selecting this child in a group story and can only create individual stories for them:

Export a child’s stories and notes

If you have stories and/or notes written about a child, you may want to keep a digital copy of them outside of Storypark.

Exports can be requested via the Storypark website whilst a child is currently at a service or even after they have been archived. This is sent as a zipped file to the email of the educator who requested it. The export can then be unzipped and kept on file for compliance or as evidence of work.

For active children, Admin educators can request an export by tapping the Export portfolio option at the right-hand side of the child's edit page:

For archived children, Admin educators can go to the Archived children tab on the Children page. From there, find the child in question and tap Export Portfolio:

Depending on the computer setup you have, you may need to extract the files first from the zipped folder you receive, in order to see the full stories and/or notes.

Archive a child from your Storypark community

If a child is finishing up at your service, Admins can archive the profile to remove it.
(this article explains how to make an educator an Admin).

Children can be archived from your service's Storypark account by either:

Selecting archive from the drop-down on the Children page:

Or, scrolling to the bottom of the child's edit page and selecting archive:

If family members are connected to the child, this does not delete the profile and stories, it simply removes them from your early learning service’s account. The child’s family will have free access to the child’s profile and stories.

Restoring an archived child

If you accidentally archive a profile you will have 90 days to restore it to your service. Your service will need to have a free space available on your subscription to be able to restore them.

Note: If you archive one child from your account, you then have a free space on your subscription to replace them with another child. At the start of your next billing cycle if you want to change the size of your plan by adding or removing children you can do so.

📝 Other articles you may be interested in:
Educators: How do I restore a child?

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