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Educators: Change of ownership

This guide outlines the steps to follow if your service is changing ownership.

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Written by Support
Updated over 4 months ago

In this guide, learn about changing ownership:

If the new owners are continuing with using your service's existing Storypark account

What we require from the current owners:

An admin educator at the service that will be changing ownership needs to send us an email in advance of your settlement date with the following details, with the new owners copied into the email:

  • Name of service (as it appears on Storypark):

  • Current owner's name and email address:

  • New owner's name and email address:

  • New owner's billing email address:

  • Settlement date:

Next steps for current owners:

  • Export any child portfolios you may require for your own record keeping

  • Save copies of any other content you may like to keep (e.g. routine exports, plans, community posts, and conversations)

  • Invite the new owner to your service as an admin educator

  • Email us once settlement has occurred so we can check and update details on our end

Next steps for new owners:

  • Accept the invitation to join the service

  • Invite any additional educators if needed, and at settlement date, remove the old owners from the service

  • After settlement, review and update your billing details on your service's Account page, including your subscription preference (e.g. pay monthly or annual), your billing contact details, and payment method

💡 If you are new to using Storypark, we have an excellent series of webinars and workshops to help you get started.

If the new owners are not continuing with using your service's existing Storypark account

New owners may wish to set up a new Storypark account for the service, instead of taking over an existing account. They can do this by signing up to a free trial, and then upgrading the account.

For current owners:

If the new owners are not continuing with the existing Storypark account, an admin educator at your service will need to cancel your service's subscription on or after settlement date. You can do this by going to your service's Account page and select Unsubscribe from plan.

Before cancelling, please make sure your educators have saved and exported all the necessary work and documents from the service, as they will not be able to access these once the service subscription is cancelled. This may include:

If you belong to a multi-site organisation, or are moving onto a multi-site organisation plan

If your service is currently part of a multi-site organisation plan, or if your service is joining a multi-site organisation, please contact the organisation's head office, who will then contact us.

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