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Educator Portfolios (basic) FAQs
Educator Portfolios (basic) FAQs

The most commonly asked questions about Storypark's basic Educator Portfolio including portfolio stories

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Written by Support
Updated over 11 months ago

This article is for those using the standard (basic) Educator Portfolio feature. If your service is part of a multi-site organisation, find out more about Premium Educator Portfolios here.

In this guide, learn about:

What is an Educator Portfolio?

Educator Portfolios are a designated place for you as an educator to document growth, to reflect and to develop professionally.

Educator portfolios are visible to the other educators in your Storypark community. Parents and family members can’t view or access an educator’s portfolio.

All educators on Storypark have access to their own Educator portfolio (basic) which contains the following areas:

  • Conversations

  • Stories

  • Reports

How do I access my Educator portfolio?

From the website, you can access your Educator portfolio by clicking on your name in the left-hand menu:

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What are Portfolio stories and other FAQs

Q: What is a portfolio story?

A: Portfolio stories allow educators to document evidence of their work over time.

When you publish a portfolio story it will be saved to your personal portfolio and also show up in your activity stream.

Create or adapt a learning set (ie. teaching or graduate standards, self-review, or other assessment criteria that may be relevant to you as an educator), then link your portfolio stories to your chosen criteria using the learning tags in these sets.

Over time you can analyse and review your progress against your personal criteria. And you can link together your portfolio stories in eg. an Appraisal Goals plan. This makes support, reporting and assessment processes faster and easier.

Q: How are portfolio stories set out?

A: An educator portfolio story works in the same way as a child story, i.e. it is a story that can contain text, images, videos, PDFs and learning tags, but instead of selecting a child in the story, an educator selects themselves.

Q: How can I create a portfolio story?

A: You can create a portfolio story from scratch, or duplicate a published child story to make edits and then save to your portfolio.

Q: Who can see my portfolio stories?

A: Each portfolio story is private to the author by default. If a portfolio story is private, there is a lock icon at the bottom of the preview:

Tapping on the arrow in the top right of any story preview, the author can select which of their existing contributors can access it:

(Educators can manage their contributors from their profile settings. Contributors can be any educator at their service on Storypark.)

Q: I've accidentally created a portfolio story - how do I add children?

A: You can duplicate the story and then assign the children to the duplicate.

You'll need to go into stories which is under your name in the left-hand menu (using the Storypark website), and then when you view the story, instead of editing it, push duplicate. This will let you re-tag children as needed, and you'll be able to delete the original from your portfolio after that, if needed.

For more on duplicating stories, check out Duplicating Stories.

Q: What happens to my portfolio when I leave my current early learning service?

A: Educator portfolios are associated with individual educators, not the early learning services they teach at. This means your portfolio will remain accessible, and free, to you even after you've left your current early learning service.

If you join a new service, you'll just need to use the same email address on Storypark in order to access your portfolio there.

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