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An introduction to Premium Educator Portfolios

An overall guide to help you understand Premium Educator Portfolios and how to get started

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Written by Support
Updated over 11 months ago

In this guide, learn about:

Note: At present, our Premium Educator Portfolio feature is only available for services that are part of a multi-site organisation on Storypark. If your service is part of a multi-site organisation, you can find out more about subscribing to Premium Educator Portfolios here.

All centres on Storypark have access to our Basic Educator Portfolio feature, which you can learn more about here.

Which version do I have?

To find out if your organisation has subscribed to the premium version of Educator Portfolios simply open the left-hand navigation drawer titled 'Menu', on the Storypark website, and click My Portfolio to open a drop down:

  • If you see the left image you have the basic version.

  • If you see the right image you have the premium version. Only Educator Portfolios subscribers have access to the 'Home' area - dedicated to their professional growth.

Where can I find my portfolio?

You can access your own Educator Portfolio by tapping 'My Portfolio' from the menu and clicking 'Home'.

  • If you are using the premium version, your home page is where you will see helpful information to guide you in your professional growth.

  • If using the basic version, click your name from the menu and select a particular feature of your portfolio to access such as conversations, stories or reports.

What is an Educator Portfolio?

Educator Portfolios are a designated place for you as an educator to document growth, to reflect and to develop professionally.

Your portfolio is your own space that travels with you throughout your career from studying all the way to mentoring.

If you move organisations, as long as both services subscribe to the premium Educator Portfolios, your portfolio will connect to any service/organisation while you're there. At its heart, your portfolio is your own space that you can keep private or share, and will grow as you grow.

Storypark's Educator Portfolios are designed to help:

  • Plan and support your ongoing professional development

  • Streamline processes such as appraisals and accreditation

  • Set, work towards and save evidence against goals

  • Connect with managers, mentors and peers

  • Create alignment across your organisation

  • Keep everything in one place

What can I do in Educator Portfolios?

In the basic version, Educator Portfolios have four areas:

  • Your portfolio

  • Conversations

  • Children's Stories

  • Reports

In the premium version, Educator Portfolios have six areas:

  • Home

  • Conversations

  • Stories (Note: child and portfolio stories are now combined under one 'Stories' tab)

  • Contributors

  • Planning

  • Reports


Displays all conversations you've started or been added to. Educator conversations are associated with individuals, not their early learning service which means your conversations will remain accessible even after you've left your current service. Learn more about conversations.


Child Stories

Displays all stories you've created about children at any early learning service you are part of. You can change the story order and filter the stories that are shown by tapping ‘Filter stories'.

If you leave your service, any children's stories that you have created belong to the children and remain on their profiles. If you wish to keep any stories you've created you can save a copy of them to your portfolio.

Portfolio stories

Displays any story you've created in your portfolio or have chosen to save to your portfolio. Portfolio stories are private to you by default but can be made visible to your contributors by clicking the arrow in the top right of the story preview and selecting which of your contributors you'd like to give access to. These stories will remain accessible to you even after you've left your current early learning service. Learn more about portfolio stories.


A contributor is someone who has been invited to your portfolio, either by you or by your organisation's management. You can have as many contributors as you wish. The role of a contributor is to provide comments, guidance, feedback and offer collaboration towards your development as an educator.

Displays people who can access and contribute to your portfolio. For multi-site networks, there are three contributor types: manager, direct manager, contributor, each with a different level of access. If you belong to an independent service, there are two contributor types: admin contributor and contributor.


Displays all private and shared plans that have been created in your portfolio. If you have any contributors with manager or admin contributor access, they are able to create plans on your behalf. Depending on the planning template settings, they may also be able to collaborate with you on the plan. Learn more about portfolio plans.


Analyse trends in your teaching and professional learning tags by looking at how you've been applying tags to stories, over time. Learn more about portfolio reports.

What happens if I leave my current early learning service?

Educator Portfolios are associated with individual educators, not the early learning services they teach at. This means your portfolio will remain accessible to you even after you've left your current early learning service. To find about more about what happens to your portfolio when you leave a service, click here.

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