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Using Storypark for Educators on an iPhone or iPad
Using Storypark for Educators on an iPhone or iPad
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Written by Support
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App overview

The Storypark for Educators app is a companion to the website, and makes it easier and faster to do the things you do most frequently. It helps educators to:

  • Create and share posts with your community using images, videos and attachments

  • Have conversations directly with your team

  • Document children’s learning using images, video and text

  • Guide children to reflect on their own learning via child-safe mode

  • Save and access draft, pending and published stories - so you can work from anywhere

  • Approve pending incident reports

  • Keep your work safe with offline support

  • Instantly share updates with a child's family including daily routines

  • Receive and respond to comments and feedback

  • Quickly see the latest activity, so you can stay on top of new content, responses and communication.

💡 Not all Storypark features are available on the app. For example, management tasks like adding new children, inviting users, and creating/editing new plans via the planning area.

You can still access all of these features on your mobile device by logging into the Storypark website in your device’s browser (e.g. Chrome, Safari, Firefox.)

App guide

This guide is ordered by the tabs running horizontal at the bottom of the app:

Children - view child profiles and their associated stories, moments, plans and notes
Community - view and create community posts and conversations
Create - make new stories, child notes, conversations, routines and community posts
Activity - view updates across your service
Me - check draft stories, as well as pending stories and incident reports that require your approval; edit your profile, manage notifications and switch services

Children: See children and view their stories, moments, plans and notes

The Children section shows all the children in your current centre and their stories, moments, plans and notes.

Selecting All children will show you all the children’s stories. Tapping on a specific child will show you all their stories.

If your centre has different rooms, you can switch between viewing the whole centre and any rooms by tapping on the centre or room name. This filters the children shown in the list.

Viewing, editing and deleting stories

Tap on a story tile to view the full story. You can edit or delete it by tapping on the … icon in the top right.

Printing stories

To print a story, tap on the ... icon in the top right and select Export PDF. Choose from the print layout options, which are the same as on the website, then select 'Export'. It will take a moment to create the PDF. Tap the 'share' icon in the top right, then choose 'Print'. From here you can deselect any pages that you don't wish to print

Responding to stories

To respond or comment on a published story, tap Leave a response… at the bottom of the screen. You can add images or videos from your photo library to your response by tapping on the camera icon. To take a photo, first open an album then select the camera.

In the responses section at the end of a story, you’ll see a count of views, loves and comments on a story. Tapping on the eye and heart icons will show you a list of who has viewed or loved it.

View plans, moments and child notes

Using the menu at the top of the app, you can also view plans and child notes at your current centre or on a specific child's profile.

To view family moments - select the Stories tab - then select Family moments from the drop-down menu:

To respond or comment on a Family moment, tap Leave a response… at the bottom of the screen:

Community: Your Communities and Conversations

The Community section shows your Communities (for your centre and rooms) and existing Conversations that you are a participant in.

Any centre or room with new community posts will move to the top, and be shown in bold text. Community channels are marked with a small yellow icon:

Tap on any community post to see previous community posts, ordered by recent activity.

Tap on a summary to see the full post, along with any images, attachments and responses.

Create: Creating new stories, community posts and conversations

(We have a seperate help article for logging daily routines, including from the create button).

You can add new learning stories and observations from the create button:

Adding text, images, videos and learning tags to your story

The toolbar at the bottom lets you switch between what type of content you want to add. To add images or video, select from the recent images shown, open the camera from the top of the images panel, or access all of your images from the Album icon (shown when the image tool is selected). Choose as many images as you like, and they’ll be added in the order selected. By default the images will be laid out side by side. If selecting an odd number, the first image will be larger.

Toolbar, left to right:

  • Text tool

  • Images (select from recent images/videos, or take new photos/videos)

  • Learning tags

  • Background colour selector

  • View all Photo albums (shown when image tool is selected)

Trim your videos

Any video you upload to a story from your device can be trimmed for length. Tap the Edit button:

Press and drag on the arrows to adjust the start and end position. To preview the edited video, tap the play button at the bottom:

Tap the use button when you are happy with the length of your video, this will add the trimmed video to your story.

Reorder your story content

Tap and hold on an image or text block to reposition it. A blue line will indicate where it will be placed. Position images side by side by dragging one image to the left or right of another one, or drag one above the other to make it bigger.

Saving, publishing or sending for approval

Your drafts will always be saved by default when you close your story. Depending on whether your stories can be published, need to be approved, or you’re approving someone else’s story, the top right action will Publish, Submit or Approve and publish the story.

Offline support

If you lose your internet connection while working on a story, your draft will be saved on the device so work won’t be lost. Once you’re back online and in the app, it’ll save and sync, and you’ll then see it on any other devices. Note that if you edit an older version of the story on the web, before the version from the app has synced, it may be overwritten when your phone or iPad reconnects.

Create a new Community post

Add new community posts from the Create button:

To make your post an urgent announcement, click the three dots to the right of your post and open Notification settings :

Then select Post as an urgent announcement:

💡 The announcement feature may override someone’s notification settings, and is intended for critical information only - for example, unexpected centre closures.

Start a new conversation

Add new conversations from the Create button:

You can start a new conversation with other educators and/or family members by tapping the people icon. New conversations will then appear in your list on the left-hand side.

Note: if no family is listed, it may be that parent-teacher conversations are turned off at your service.

Activity: Stay up to date with the latest activity

The Activity section includes updates about Stories, Community posts, Conversations, Planning, Child notes, Family moments, responses and invitations that relate to you. Tap on an update to view the full details.

Currently, this does not include updates about your Educator portfolio, so this needs to be accessed through the website. You may need to pull down to refresh and see new updates.

Me: Drafts, pending stories and incident reports, your profile and notifications, switching between services and get help

Draft stories

This is where you’ll find your drafts, created either from the website or the app:

​The draft stories folder is split into My drafts and Shared with me. Any draft story you've written or those where you've had the editorship transferred to you is under My drafts. Any drafts that you've been given view access to will appear under Shared with me.

Note: Once any draft story is published, it will disappear from its respective tab.

Shared draft stories can be filtered by the author's name from the drop-down menu:

​Collaborate: Share a draft story

Educators can share their drafts with anyone else connected as an educator to their centre. Sharing a draft gives the recipient view-only access.

Sharing a draft

Create and save a new draft or access an existing one from your Draft stories folder. From the story's preview, tap the three dots ... button at the bottom right-hand corner:

Select share draft from the drop-down menu and select one, multiple or all educators to share view access with by tapping on their names. For services with a lot of educators, use the search bar to narrow down the selection. Individual educators can be selected and deselected by clicking on their names:

Press the Done button to confirm the selection, this will automatically send an email and in-app notification to the selected viewers. They'll now be able to view the draft story under their Shared with me tab.

Unsharing a draft

Find the existing draft in the Draft stories tab. From the story's preview, tap the three dots ... button at the bottom right-hand corner:

Select Share draft from the drop-down menu and deselect one, multiple or all educators by tapping on their name to unshare view access with. For services with a lot of educators, use the search bar to narrow down the selection. Individual educators can be deselected by clicking on their names or use clear all to remove everyone at once.

Press the Save button, this will automatically send an email and in-app notification to the deselected viewers to let them know they can no longer view the draft.

Collaborate: Change the editor of a draft story

Educators can transfer editorship of a draft with anyone else connected as an educator to their centre. Transferring editorship of a draft changes the story's author and passes over access to another educator to edit, delete, share and/or publish the story.

There is no limit to the number of times editorship of a draft story can be transferred - this means it can be used to:

  • reflect multiple perspectives of educators within one story

  • pool knowledge of a child's learning and development, evolving stories as a teaching team

  • pass stories by part-time staff or those going on leave onto others for completion in their absence

  • provide mentoring among peers or across teams

Changing editorship of a draft

Create and save a new draft or access an existing one from your Draft stories folder. From the story's preview, tap the three dots ... button at the bottom right-hand corner:

Select Change editor from the drop-down menu to choose a new editor for the draft - note, only one educator can be selected. For services with a lot of educators, use the search bar to narrow down the selection. Individual educators can be selected and deselected by clicking on their names:

Press the Done button to confirm the selection, this will trigger a pop-up warning to confirm the choice to transfer editorship of the draft (as it means loss of edit access).

Once confirmed, the new editor will be automatically sent an email and in-app notification advising the change of editorship. They'll now be able to view, edit, publish and/or delete the draft story. The draft story will appear under the My drafts tab on their end.

The educator who has passed on the editorship of the draft story will automatically have view-only access to the draft story. Note: The new editor can remove their access if they wish.


If you are under story approval or set up as an approver for other educators, you'll find pending stories here.

If you are an admin educator at your service, you can approve any pending incident reports here.

Manage notifications

Manage what you'd like to be notified about both by mobile and/or email by tapping on Notification settings. Toggle each of your preferences on or off at any time, clicking back saves your changes.

Note: If you have disabled notifications from your Apple Settings, this carries over to the Educators app. To change this, you'll need to go to the Apple Settings app > Notifications, select the Storypark for Educators app, and make sure that Allow Notifications is on.

Switch services

If you belong to multiple services or centres with one account under the same email address, you can switch between them.

To change what service you are viewing, tap on the Me tab then from the left-hand menu tap on the Switch services button. This will provide you with options to select the service you would like to view:

Note: this will filter what you see in the Children tab, but currently not what you see in Community or Activity.

Get Help

Access the help centre from within the app, or tap Ask Storypark question to get in touch with the Storypark customer support team.

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