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Educators: How the free 30-day trial works
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 weeks ago

This article is for educators. We don’t charge parents and family members anything at all.

Read what Storypark costs for early learning services, here.

In this guide learn about:

How the trial works

When you sign up to Storypark for the first time you’ll automatically have free, unlimited access for 30 days.

You’ll be free to: add as many children as you need, create unlimited stories, plans, notes, posts, routines, conversations and comments, and invite anyone you’d like to share the trial with.

At the end of the free trial, in order to continue using Storypark you’ll need to upgrade to a paid subscription, based on the number of children you wish to add. Anything you created during the trial will remain available after upgrade.

Check the time left on your trial

1. Click on settings icon at the top of the page.

2. From the drop-down menu, select Account.

3. On your Account page, you'll see how many days left you have on your trial:

If you have time left you'll see:

And if your trial has expired, you'll see:

Even if your trial has expired, at any time you can fill in the form to upgrade to a paid plan.

Moving onto a paid subscription

Once you've filled in the form on the Account page and tapped Upgrade plan, your plan will be upgraded, and your service's access to Storypark is automatically extended.

An email with your first invoice, and payment details will be sent to the billing email you entered in the form.

What happens to parents and family access if your trial expires?

Because Storypark is free for parents and family members, any you invited will be able to continue using Storypark for free even if you don’t wish to continue.

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