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Educator Portfolios basic vs premium: what's the difference?
Educator Portfolios basic vs premium: what's the difference?

Learn the difference between our basic and premium Educator Portfolios and why you may want the premium platform in your service

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Written by Support
Updated over 11 months ago

In this guide:

Which version do I have?

At present, our Premium Educator Portfolio feature is only available for services that are part of a multi-site organisation on Storypark. If your service is part of a multi-site organisation, you can find out more about subscribing to Premium Educator Portfolios here.

All centres on Storypark have access to our Basic Educator Portfolio feature, which you can learn more about here.

To find out if your organisation has subscribed to Premium Educator Portfolios simply open the left-hand navigation drawer titled 'Menu', while logged in on the Storypark website, and click 'My Portfolio' to open a drop down:

  • If you see the left image you have the basic version.

  • If you see the right image you have the premium version. Only Educator Portfolios subscribers have access to the 'Home' area - dedicated to their professional growth.

The main differences between the basic and premium versions

We've added new features with the aim of making professional development and appraisals easier for both management and the educators themselves. The first of these new features include:


We've introduced planning into Premium Educator Portfolios so now you can take your portfolio plans with you, even as you move between services.

There is now a much greater distinction between plans started from network templates which can be auto-shared with your manager/s, and your own private plans which can be kept private or shared with whoever you wish. To find out more about plans and their share settings click here.


A cycle is a set of focus areas, with a start and end date. A cycle could be a professional growth or appraisal cycle, or it could be used for induction or leadership. A cycle can also include a self review and/or manager review at the end of the period, but doesn’t have to.

In the example above shows an open annual professional growth cycle for an educator with areas of their teaching practice as focus areas.

Manager access

For networks (multi-site organisations with more than one location), we've introduced a 'manager' contributor-type with a different level of access.

For any educator they manage, they can:

  • Invite other contributors from their own organisation.

  • Automatically access certain plans started from their organisation's templates.


Contributors now have their own dashboard with quick access to portfolios and plans of the educators they support.

3 time-saving widgets

Educator Portfolios premium users can access three time-saving tools including the To Do widget, the manager check-in and the recognition widget.


You can now save stories as evidence to your portfolio with one click. This makes demonstrating your teaching practice alongside various appraisals or teaching standards much easier and saving extra work for you.

Network features

Organisations now have a template builder within their network dashboard where they can create planning templates specifically for Educator Portfolios.

Any plans created from templates have permissions and share settings built in. Each plan's share settings show who has access, what permissions they have, and whether contributors can or can't be invited to the plan.

A Network Template may also have non-editable cells (eg. headings or instructional text) in it so that when a plan is started from this template, those cells will appear locked:

Network administrators now have their own dashboard with quick access to any educator they are supporting:

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