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Families: Using the calendar feature
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

What is the calendar feature?

The add to calendar feature makes remembering key events and dates posted by your child's service easier to remember by integrating the event with your default personal calendar.

The button appears on all community posts made by your child's service and will automatically copy the community post text into the notes section of the event for easy reference. The feature will also make key dates in the community post clickable to add straight to your calendar.

Note: The add to calendar feature is currently being trialled on the iOS families app only (those accessing Storypark via an Android device or through the web will not see the feature).

How to use the calendar feature

From any community post viewed on the Storypark for families iOS app, click the calendar icon or purple text within the post to show a new calendar event screen. You will notice some text fields are pre-filled, with the option to edit them or add any extra information.

Once you are happy with other information in the calendar event, click add. You can now visit your calendar application to see the event added.

Remember: if you have multiple calendars within your default calendar app (e.g. a work calendar and personal calendar), ensure you have selected the preferred calendar you wish to add the event to.

Choosing which personal calendar the event is added to

  1. From your iPhone/iPad settings app, locate the calendar tab.

2. Log into your preferred calendar using the accounts tab (e.g. an Outlook account, Google Calendar or Apple iCal).

3. Select your default calendar from the default tab.

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