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Using conversations

A guide to starting, editing and deleting conversations

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Written by Support
Updated over 9 months ago

Starting a new conversation

From the Storypark website, there are two ways educators can start a new conversation:

From the Create menu
1. Click Create in the navigation bar at the top of your screen and choose Conversation.

2. In the pop-up window, select the people in your community with whom you wish to start a conversation (only those you select will be able to see it).

3. Type your message, attach any documents or images you wish to share, and send.

From your profile, under the Conversations tab

1. Open the left side menu, click on your name or portfolio, then Conversations.

2. Create a new conversation by selecting the people in your community with whom you wish to start a conversation (only the people you select in the conversation will be able to see it).

3. Type your message, attach any documents or images you wish to share, and send.

Adding multiple participants:

To add more than one person to a conversation, tap the participants box again and the list of possible people you can select will come up:

Editing a conversation

1. Find the conversations you wish to edit.

2. Click the grey arrow in the top right corner of the conversation.

3. In the drop-down menu select Edit conversation:

4. A pop up will open where you are able to edit the participants and/or the text, media and attachments:

If you tick resend notifications, the participants will also get notified about the conversation again.

Deleting a conversation

You can delete any conversation if you are the original author.

  1. Find the conversation you wish to delete

  2. Click the arrow in the top right corner of the conversation.

  3. In the drop-down menu select ‘Delete conversation’:

A pop-up box will ask you if you're sure. Click 'OK' and the conversation will be gone; no-one will be able to access it again:

Add files, images or videos to a conversation

You can add as many files as you wish to a conversation.

1. Start a new conversation.

2. Below the text field you’ll see three icons.

3. If you wish to add an image, click the camera icon.
To add a video click the video icon.
To add another filetype, ie. a Word doc or a PDF, click the paperclip icon.

4. A drop-down window will appear showing the files on your computer.

5. Find the file you want to add (it’s a good idea to keep the files you want to add to Storypark in one or two places so they’re easy to find), click the file and then the ‘Open’ button. If you wish, you can change the name of your file in the text field.

To add multiple files in one-go, hold down the 'Ctrl' key (on a PC) or the 'Command' key (on a Mac) and select another file. Both will show as being selected. You can continue doing this until you have finished selecting all the files you wish to upload.

Note: If you have selected a lot of large files they may take a while to upload depending on your internet speed, but you can continue writing your conversation while you wait.

Managing conversation participants

Much like direct messages on other platforms, conversations are owned by the person who started them. They can edit the conversation to add further participants to the conversation as well as remove them.

When an educator finishes up at a service and is removed, they are also automatically removed from all conversations they’ve started or participated in that relate to that service. Similarly family members whose children have been archived from a service will also be removed.
In any conversation where participants have been removed, any remaining participants will see an automatic message - ‘[participant name] left the conversation.'

Add a participant to an existing conversation

To add a conversation participant, in the drop-down menu select Edit conversation:

Tap or click the box where the existing participant names are and a drop-down list of available participants will appear:

Select the new participant(s) and then tap save at the bottom right-hand corner:

Remove a participant from an existing conversation

To remove a conversation participant, in the drop-down menu select Edit conversation:

Then click 'x' next the name of the conversation participant to remove and then tap save at the bottom right-hand corner:

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