Syncing and Inactive children in the Storypark Manage Integration
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Once your service has setup the Storypark Manage <-> Storypark integration, you can set which child profiles are carried over to Storypark (known as syncing).

In this guide learn about:

The default sync between Storypark Manage and Storypark

By default, any child labelled as Active under their status in Storypark Manage will be available to sync with Storypark:

Children that have an Inactive or Archived label in Storypark Manage will not be available to sync in Storypark:

Note: If the child was synced in the past and then later became Inactive or was Archived in Storypark Manage, their profile will be archived in Storypark as well.

If a child was not Active during initial setup, but now has bookings within the 8 week time frame ( i.e is now Active in Storypark Manage), they will automatically sync with Storypark and their profile created.

Changing the sync behaviour for inactive children

Some services may want children who are Inactive in Storypark Manage to continue to appear in Storypark. For example, when a child leaves a service but educators require a little more time to complete documentation.

In this case, educators can change their service's sync settings regarding Inactive children. From the integrations settings page within Storypark, it looks like this:

❗Important - Changing this setting will have the following effects on how Storypark Manage and Storypark integrate as soon as you confirm the switch:

  • Any child that is Active in Storypark Manage and synced with Storypark will remain synced.

  • Any child that is Inactive in Storypark Manage and was previously synced with Storypark will have their profile unarchived in Storypark. If it doesn't exist, a new profile in Storypark will be created.

  • Any child that is Inactive in Storypark Manage that has not been synced before will have a new Storypark profile created automatically.

Subsequent sync runs will keep children that are Active or Inactive in Storypark Manage active in Storypark. The only way that children may be archived in Storypark is if they are manually archived in Storypark Manage.

Reverting to the default sync

To change back to the default sync setting for Inactive children, educators can switch this from the integrations settings page within Storypark.

❗Important - Changing this setting will have the following effects on how Storypark Manage and Storypark integrate as soon as you confirm the switch:

  • Any child that is Active in Storypark Manage will continue to be available on the integrations settings page, and will continue to be in Storypark as well.

  • Any child that is Inactive in Storypark Manage will no longer be available on the integrations settings page, and will be archived in Storypark. If these children remain archived in Storypark and are ever made Active in Storypark Manage again, they will be restored.

Sync FAQs

I changed the setting from the default option, but some or all of the children I expected to see synced aren't there.

If you do not have sufficient plan space to add all the required new profiles, we will only sync as many as you have paid for.

We cannot automatically add space to your plan, unfortunately. Please return to your Storypark Account page (under the settings cog), and update the number of paid children to accommodate the expected numbers of new profiles based on the number of Active and Inactive children in Storypark Manage.

If you do need further help managing the integration within Storypark, please contact our support team.

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