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Educators: Print or download a story
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Written by Support
Updated over 7 months ago

You can print any published story in Storypark, which is especially useful for teachers wanting to make physical copies for a child's portfolio.

Print a story

On any page that shows stories as a series of tiles (ie. a child’s ‘Stories’ page), click the story you want to print. In the story window, click the Print preview button in the blue bar at the top of the screen.

Clicking 'Print preview' will open a print preview page in another window that lets you choose how the page should look when it prints.

In the grey side bar you'll see various formatting options.

You can choose the layout you'd like to use. You can also make the text in the story bigger (+) or smaller (-), the images bigger (+) or smaller (-), or choose to include or exclude story content, comments, learning tags, title, date or author at the bottom of the story.

As you click the various options, a preview of the story will Experiment with the various options until you are happy with the result. Then click 'Print story'. Be sure to check out our help centre article on setting up your browser for printing.

Download a story

You can also choose to download the story as a PDF by going into Print preview and clicking on the Generate PDF button.

A preview of the story in PDF format will open up on your browser. To save the PDF, click on the download button (arrow pointing down) to save the PDF file to your computer.

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