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An introduction to your Educator Portfolio team dashboard

A guide to understanding what your team dashboard is and what it's used for

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Written by Support
Updated over 11 months ago

This article includes information on the new premium Educator Portfolios platform.

Note: This article uses the terms 'independent services' (single-site services with one location) and 'networks' (multi-site organisations with multiple locations).

In this guide:

What is an Educator Portfolio team dashboard?

Your Educator Portfolio team dashboard provides quick access to those you are supporting as a portfolio contributor (either as a Contributor, Manager or Admin. The dashboard gives you access to the people you support, and lets you easily see if everyone has the correct contributors, plans and cycles set up.

Note: You won't have a team dashboard if you are not a contributor to someone in your team.

How do I find my dashboard?

If you are a manager or have been invited as a contributor to one or more Educator Portfolios, you can access them by tapping 'My Portfolio' in the left-hand navigation drawer, and then tapping 'Team dashboard' under 'My team's Portfolios'. If you are yet to be a contributor or manager to a colleague, the dashboard will not appear. If you expect to be a contributor but you're not seeing the 'My team's portfolio' link learn more about adding contributors here.

Clicking your Team dashboard will display a list of all educators of whom you are a manager/contributor.

How to interpret the dashboard

The report-style dashboard has a number of columns. When you filter by plan or cycle, the Teacher, Email, Service and Direct Manager columns will stay the same, only the columns relating to the plan or cycle you filter by will change.


The Teacher column lists the people you are a contributor to (either automatically as a Manager/Admin, or those who have invited you to their portfolio). Clicking on the educator's name takes you straight to their portfolio homepage to easily access their progress, contribute to plans, respond to portfolio stories, reply to check-in messages or assign to dos etc.


The email column lists the email related to the educator's profile. This is the email used by the educator to log into Storypark.


The Service column lists any services the educator works at within your organisation. This is useful for networks where you contribute to people across different services. If you are a contributor to a lot of educators you can click on the Services column header to sort the report by each individual service.

Direct Manager (applicable for network services only)

The Direct Manager column is visible to network services only (services with multiple locations) and lists the Direct Manager/s for each educator. This column is helpful to see at a glance which educators have been assigned a Direct Manager and which need to have one assigned.


Under the Cycles / Plans toggle, if you select Plans you can check how many plans have been created from each planning template (or from each planning category if you prefer) for each educator. This is used by managers initially to ensure their staff are set up with the correct plans, but then to see when each plan was last updated as a way to evaluate performance and engagement.


Under the Cycles / Plans toggle, if you select Cycles you can check who has been assigned each cycle. Click on the Cycle dropdown to see a list of your organisation's cycles and select the one you're interested in. Under the cycle group column, you can see which educator has been assigned that cycle, and the set of focus areas that they have received within that cycle, eg. the 'Educator', or 'Centre Manager' group of focus areas. Some educators may have multiple cycles assigned to them so using this filter you can organise reporting into these groups.

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