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Network admins: When an educator leaves what happens to their portfolio
Network admins: When an educator leaves what happens to their portfolio
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Written by Support
Updated over 12 months ago

This article is for administrators of a group of services on a 'network' account, and who've subscribed or are trialling Storypark's premium Educator Portfolio platform.

What happens when an educator leaves your organisation?

This article explains what will happen to each educator's portfolio when that educator leaves your organisation.

Note: If the educator is simply moving to another service within your organisation you'll both continue to have access to their portfolio and nothing should change for either of you.

Educator portfolios are co-managed by your organisation while an educator works with you but ultimately lives in their own Storypark profile which can travel with them throughout your career, no matter where they work. This means that their portfolio will remain accessible to them even after they've left your organisation, but with some features being limited.

Because your organisation subscribed to their portfolio, your will also keep a copy of some of the work they did in their portfolio while they worked with you.

When an educator leaves, they will move from the 'Educators' tab in your Multi-site Management reports to a new 'Archived' tab.

You can click any educator's name on this page to be taken to an archived version of their portfolio.

The following section will explain what will happen to each of the different areas within an educator's portfolio when they leave, for both the educator and for your organisation.

Their contributors

Their portfolio contributors are selected from the educators and managers within your organisation, so when they leave all of the contributors will be disconnected from their portfolio.

Cycles and cycle reviews

Any cycles that had been assigned to them, as well as any accompanying self-reviews or manager reviews, will still be accessible to both the educator and your organisation for both of your records after they leave, but they will show as locked and archived so the educator won't be able to link further stories and plans to them.

Their portfolio plans

There are two types of portfolio plans – ones created from a network template, and blank plans they created from scratch.

  1. Plans created from one of your templates are associated with your organisation. This means that when the educator leaves, both of you will keep a copy of each plan. These plans will be moved to their Archived plans area and be locked so they cannot be edited or commented on further.

  2. Blank plans the educator created from scratch are not associated with your organisation and are considered theirs alone. If the educator had invited any contributor from within your organisation to these plans, when they leave those contributors will lose access.

Creating new plans is a paid portfolio feature so once the educator leaves they won't be able to create any new plans.

Their portfolio stories

Portfolio stories are not associated with any service or organisation and are considered educators' alone. Portfolio stories are a free feature so when they leave they can continue to create portfolio stories and have access to any stories they've previously created.

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