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Notification Settings for 'Storypark for Families'
Notification Settings for 'Storypark for Families'

Choose which notifications you want to recieve and how often via the Families app.

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Written by Support
Updated over 11 months ago

Within the Storypark for Families app, you can manage the email and push notifications sent to you for different kinds of posts (see below for exceptions).

In this guide learn about:

Find your notification settings:

  1. Login to the Storypark for Families app

  2. Tap on the Me icon at the bottom right-hand corner

  3. Then tap on Notifications settings:

Manage mobile push notifications

The top section of the notification settings will help you select which posts you want to receive push/mobile notifications for.

Slide the toggles to the right to receive notifications, and left to turn them off:

You can always come back to this page and adjust the settings if you change your mind.

Note: If you've turned off notifications in your device's settings, all the toggles within the app will be greyed out and cannot be changed. You'll need to enable them in your device settings first, before managing them individually within the app.

Tap the red Enable on this device button to be taken to your device's settings:

Test push notifications

At the bottom of the push notification section, there is the option to send a test push notification:

This is to ensure your device is set up correctly and ready to receive push notifications. Tapping this will create and queue a push notification, which will go only to your device and should take around 30 seconds to arrive. If after tapping this, you don't receive a push notification, log out of the app by going back to the Me tab and tapping the Log out button:

Then, log in which will re-register your device for notifications and try tapping the test notification option again.

If you've tried these four steps and still don't receive a test notification, please contact our support team with your device details, letting them know the steps you've taken so far.

Manage email notifications

Below the notification settings for push/mobile, are the email notification settings.

Slide the toggles to the right to receive notifications and left to turn them off:

What notifications cannot be turned off?

There are some exceptions which override the settings and cannot be turned off. These notifications do not appear in either the mobile or email pick list of notifications.


Educators can mark community posts as an announcement, for urgent or time sensitive updates to families. Announcements override email notification settings. This means even if you have not opted to receive emails about new community posts, family admins will still receive notifications for community posts that have been marked as an announcement.

Absence notifications
Educators can send an email and push notification to confirm a child has been marked absent from the service. This is typically when a child is unexpectedly absent, in order to follow up with the child's family.
Due to the importance of timely follow-up on an unexpected absence, family admins will still receive absence notifications even if they have turned off all notifications.

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