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Storypark Chapter 2
Storypark Chapter 2

Learn about access to our new features and why you may want them at your service.

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Written by Storypark Support
Updated over a week ago

In this guide learn about:

What is Chapter 2?

Storypark is developing new tools for services to manage more of their business needs in one place while keeping children at the heart of the experience that educators and families know and love. This includes being able to:

  • Maintain in-depth child records, including their wellbeing and support needs.

  • Manage family members and contacts, their key details and relationship to a child, what authorisations they have, and their access to Storypark.

  • Compliantly and securely manage records before, during and after a child attends your service.

We’re also working on tools to help you manage enrolments into your service, manage bookings and attendance, and bring more of your administration needs into one place.

Please note that some of these features may have an additional cost.

How can we get access?

Currently, this is available to services in Australia and Canada who are not part of a multi-site organisation within Storypark and do not have an integration managing children’s profiles within Storypark.

If you don’t have access yet, you can register your interest and we’ll be in touch soon.

How do I know if my service has access?

When logged in to Storypark on a web browser you’ll see Manage children under the name of your service from the Menu button.

What are the changes?

You’ll be able to keep up with the changes we make to this area of Storypark as well as see what’s coming next.

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